A Day in the Life of a Student
Level 1
Find out what a typical day looks like for a student at Lahr-Well Academy! Click on one of the links below to learn more about the different levels.
Level I
PreK-1st Grade
Levels I & II may be combined if the total of both classes, combined, is 15 or fewer students. Should these classes be combined, students will have distinguishing class expectations and activities.
Arrival – Students meet in the multi-purpose room and are escorted, as a group, by their teacher, to the choir room.
Foreign Language (Chinese, French, German, Italian, or Spanish … one language per semester … on a two and a half year rotation) – In each language students write a standardized letter, take dictation, learn standard children’s songs, vocabulary, and conversational phrases.
Music Appreciation/History – Students learn music through a world history approach. Additionally they are taught about melody, harmony, and rhythm.
Arrival into Classroom – Students unpack their backpacks, place their coats on top of their backpacks, put their lunches by the door, and place their folders on the teacher’s desk. They take their assigned seats at a table.
Classroom Opening – The teacher leads students in reading two sentences on the board that the teacher has written for the students…telling them the day of the week, month and year and usually something about what they will be doing that day. Students will practice the following:
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Songs about the USA Flag, days of the week, months of the year
- Additional activities: calendar, alphabet, letters and sounds, numbers, counting 1 thru 10, counting by odd and even numbers, counting to 100 by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s…on the “s-blocks” page … (@15 min).
Penmanship Lesson – Students practice printing letter(s), with proper-pencil form, on paper.
Cycle Work – Students work on worksheets assigned as part of their Tailored Education Plans. Students work independently but are assisted by the teacher if help is needed. (If a child has a question, he/she will raise his/her hand, and the teacher will come to the child. If many have questions at the same time, students will take a number from the teacher’s desk, return to their desk, and work on another page.) A list of subjects covered in Cycle Work is listed below.
Art (Wednesdays) – Students go to the multi-purpose room for an extended art class. Art projects coincide with lessons from history or science learned during that specific week, reinforcing the curriculum.
Drink / Restroom
Transparencies – Students gather together for a lesson that enhances what they are learning in world and/or American history. Students may watch a video, view transparencies or hear lectures about topics covered for the week, listen to music associated with the time period being studied, or be lectured by a guest speaker who has extensive knowledge about or experience from the time period being studied.
Science Reading – Students read aloud from their science textbooks with their science teacher. Subjects studied in science coordinate with the history lesson/s for the week. Scientific discoveries, inventions and theories are taught as they follow the historic timeline.
Science Experiments (biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, or engineering) – Students go to the multi-purpose room for a hands-on science experiment that complements both the science reading and time period students are studying in world history. Experiments are geared to help students understand what scientific discoveries, inventions, and theories were discovered or created chronologically. Social and natural sciences are threaded together to form a cohesive curriculum.
- World Maps
- History Readings
- Economics
Daily Class-Group Work:
- 100’s Reading Quiz
- Math Skills Worksheets
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division – Quizzes on Friday until all skill tests have been passed for the year)
Cycle Work:
- Phonics
- Reading Comprehension
- English/Grammar
- Math
- Math Supplements (a focused skill page – fractions, decimals, pre-algebra, pre-geometry)
- Math Word Problems
- Time / Money
- Penmanship
- Map Skills/Charts/Graphs
- Critical/Creative Thinking
Additional Studies:
- Computer: (foreign language, typing / computer skills) (Students are removed from cycle work for computer time.)
- World History: daily (read orally, as a class)
- American History: daily (read orally, as a class)
- Presidents/States: daily, 2nd semester
- Science: daily (read orally, as a class)
- Science Experiments: daily (biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, and/or engineering)
- Art: weekly
- Geography: weekly
- Maps: daily
- Parts of Speech: quiz weekly
- Punctuation / Capitalization: daily (with morning opening sentences)
- Composition: weekly
- Foreign Language: 3-4 times weekly
- Music Appreciation: 3-4 times weekly
- World History/American History transparencies or videos: daily
Homework Expectations:
- Max the Cat Series
- Unfinished Cycle Work
- Corrections
- 100 Series Reading
Students in Level I should typically spend between 30-45 minutes on homework each evening (including 100 Series Reading). The students’ core teacher knows the students’ abilities and will assign an appropriate amount of homework to fit in that time frame. If a student is spending more than 45 minutes maximum on homework on a regular basis, parents should let the Level I teacher know.
You, as parents, will be asked to:
- Read every evening if your child has a book that needs to be mastered.
- Check your child’s/children’s work each night.
- Sign top of stapled papers to acknowledge that you have seen the work. (on left side of folder)
Student Expectations:
- Arrive on time and assemble in the multipurpose room.
- Use provided gripper on his or her pencil for all written work.
- Sit up straight at desk, never resting his/her head on his/her arms or desk / keep feet on the floor, use good posture, and maintain neat desk area / personal space.
- Form letters correctly, and print or write neatly.
- Read and highlight directions on each and every page BEFORE beginning work / print his or her name on every page.
- Print or write neatly on all assignments.
- Answer in complete sentences wherever possible, unless directions specify otherwise.
- Show work for math problems, either on cycle page if room allows or on a separate piece of graph paper (to be attached to the cycle page).
- Correct spelling mistakes (in all subject areas) on a separate piece of paper, 10 times per mistake, as instructed by the teacher.
- Complete cycle (listed above) daily, to the best of his or her ability – remaining work will be sent home for homework.
- Complete homework daily (stapled on the right side of his/her folder).
- Participate in class activities with a positive attitude and to the best of his/her ability.
- Obtain parent signatures on work completed, graded and corrected at school (stapled, on the left side of his/her folder).
- Follow the rules, regulations, and expectations of the Student Handbook and this Classroom Guide.
Student Supplies Provided / Charged to Student:
- “Magazine” file for cycle work
- Report binder for composition
- Science notebook
- Student atlas
- Pencil bag
- Gripper
- Eraser
- Highlighter
- Pencil – a supply of sharpened pencils is kept at the teacher’s desk
- Crayons
- Glue Sticks
- Colored Pencils
- Scissors
- Rulers
- #2 pencils
Student Supplies to be Purchased:
- One Pocket Folder (student’s choice)
My Promise to You:
"If your child isn't gifted on the first day of school, she or he will be on graduation day."
Learn Well

Learning well prepares your child to investigate a lifetime of new adventures. To learn well is more than only studying what your child is interested in studying.
In order to be a well-rounded person, one needs to be educated in foreign languages, as well as science, technology, engineering art and mathematics, a S.T.E.a.M. discipline/approach.
Students at the Academy, from the age of 4 through grade 12, study five foreign languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Parents who desire a better life for their child/ren need to embrace a well-rounded/rock-solid education. The Academy's amazing and extraordinary curriculum is a curriculum that parents can trust!
At Lahr-Well Christian Academy, your child will not sit on the edges and observe without participating. Our teachers draw the entire class into discussions and activities.
Lead Well

In order to be well-educated, one also needs to build a core value of positive morals and ethics.
Integrity is key to all.
At Lahr-Well Christian Academy, a student learns to enhance wisdom through discernment.
Leadership is not sitting in an ivory tower. Leadership cannot be "Do as I say, not as I do." Leadership is attempting the "impossible," leading by example.
At Lahr-Well Christian Academy, students are taught to bring their intrinsic value to the table as leaders.
More than simply profess, one should learn to believe that "A good name [earned by honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable than great riches; And favor (to be esteemed) is better than silver and gold."
Proverbs 22:1, Amplified Bible

Founded by Dr. Almeda M. Lahr-Well, the Academy has been in existence since the 1984/1985 academic year. With more than 34 years of research and development in grades pre-K through grade 12, nationally standardized test scores support that after 4-6 years’ instruction, students are generally testing 2-6 years beyond chronological age.
The Curriculum You Can Trust
Lahr-Well Christian Academy is a not-for-profit, private school that has been serving students since 1985 in grades pre-K through grade 12.
Our comprehensive curriculum highlights reading, mathematics, language arts, STEaM studies, five foreign languages, computer instruction, music appreciation, social sciences, literary masterpieces, hands-on art & art history and philosophy.
Typically after 4 to 6 years of instruction, our students' test scores are at a level 2 to 6 years beyond their chronological age.
To our knowledge, there is no program equal to this in the U.S.
View the full curriculum here.
What Other Parents Are Saying...
"Dr. Lahr-Well and her approach to education is extremely refreshing! I was very concerned with my son not enjoying school or learning at all. He has made a complete turn-around since attending Lahr-Well Academy. He enjoys going to school every day. Not only does he not mind going to school he has developed a desire to learn beyond what is taught in the classroom.
Enrolling my son at Lahr-Well Academy is one of the best decisions I have ever made."
"Our six year-old daughter has been attending Lahr-Well Academy for a little over a year and she really enjoys the school atmosphere and curriculum. The school has fostered a caring environment where she is not artificially limited by her age, background or the educational level of her peers. She has significantly advanced in her academics having received individualized attention in reading and mathematics, which has allowed her to test well beyond her age grade. Lahr-Well Academy provides the children with a rich experience beyond anything offered in the local schools."
"Matthew is returning next year without hesitation. Our family needs Lahr-Well. Since Matthew started school here his confidence level has dramatically increased and his anxiety level has decreased. I believe he is learning the way he was always intended to."

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