Below, find the answers to some of the questions we are frequently asked! Click on the question to view the answer.
How many school days are there each school year (or how many total hours/days of instruction)?
How much homework is assigned per day?
Level II – Approx. 45 min.
Level III – Approx. 60-90 min.
Level IV – Approx. 90 min.
How will my child’s performance/knowledge be assessed?
Nationally-standardized tests will be administered during the first week of each school year and at the end of the fall semester.
Additionally, the IOWA Basic, ACT & SAT will be administered during the fourth quarter.
If I enroll more than one child, is there a discount on tuition?
15% on third/fourth children etc…
What and when are the school holidays?
The Academy begins its academic year at the very beginning of August, and ends the Friday before Memorial Day. Within the calendar year, the Academy recognizes Labor Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday), Martin Luther King Day in January, Presidents’ Day in February.
Additionally, 3 two week breaks are positioned between quarters. The first break occurs the first part of October, the second during Christmas/New Year’s, the last is a spring break which may or may not encompass Easter. When it does not encompass Easter, Easter vacation (Good Friday and “traveling” Monday) are additional holidays.
You can always visit the school calendar to find the most recent holidays and events.
What are the main methods of instruction?
What educational standards are used to evaluate my child’s knowledge level?
Educational standards that excel state & national standards (by multiple years) are used.
What extracurricular activities does Lahr-Well Academy offer?
While Lahr-Well Academy does not offer it’s own sport teams and fine arts extracurricular opportunities, there are many available in the the surrounding Metro East and St. Louis area in which our students may participate.
These include:
SIUE Suzuki String Program
St. Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra
What is the student to teacher ratio?
Level I: 10-1
Levels II, III, IV: 15-1
What time does school start and end each day?
All levels … 8:00
Levels I and II end at 2:30.
Levels III and IV end at 3:00
My Promise to You:
"If your child isn't gifted on the first day of school, she or he will be on graduation day."
Learn Well

Learning well prepares your child to investigate a lifetime of new adventures. To learn well is more than only studying what your child is interested in studying.
In order to be a well-rounded person, one needs to be educated in foreign languages, as well as science, technology, engineering art and mathematics, a S.T.E.a.M. discipline/approach.
Students at the Academy, from the age of 4 through grade 12, study five foreign languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Parents who desire a better life for their child/ren need to embrace a well-rounded/rock-solid education. The Academy's amazing and extraordinary curriculum is a curriculum that parents can trust!
At Lahr-Well Christian Academy, your child will not sit on the edges and observe without participating. Our teachers draw the entire class into discussions and activities.
Lead Well

In order to be well-educated, one also needs to build a core value of positive morals and ethics.
Integrity is key to all.
At Lahr-Well Christian Academy, a student learns to enhance wisdom through discernment.
Leadership is not sitting in an ivory tower. Leadership cannot be "Do as I say, not as I do." Leadership is attempting the "impossible," leading by example.
At Lahr-Well Christian Academy, students are taught to bring their intrinsic value to the table as leaders.
More than simply profess, one should learn to believe that "A good name [earned by honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable than great riches; And favor (to be esteemed) is better than silver and gold."
Proverbs 22:1, Amplified Bible

Founded by Dr. Almeda M. Lahr-Well, the Academy has been in existence since the 1984/1985 academic year. With more than 34 years of research and development in grades pre-K through grade 12, nationally standardized test scores support that after 4-6 years’ instruction, students are generally testing 2-6 years beyond chronological age.
The Curriculum You Can Trust
Lahr-Well Christian Academy is a not-for-profit, private school that has been serving students since 1985 in grades pre-K through grade 12.
Our comprehensive curriculum highlights reading, mathematics, language arts, STEaM studies, five foreign languages, computer instruction, music appreciation, social sciences, literary masterpieces, hands-on art & art history and philosophy.
Typically after 4 to 6 years of instruction, our students' test scores are at a level 2 to 6 years beyond their chronological age.
To our knowledge, there is no program equal to this in the U.S.
View the full curriculum here.
What Other Parents Are Saying...
"Dr. Lahr-Well and her approach to education is extremely refreshing! I was very concerned with my son not enjoying school or learning at all. He has made a complete turn-around since attending Lahr-Well Academy. He enjoys going to school every day. Not only does he not mind going to school he has developed a desire to learn beyond what is taught in the classroom.
Enrolling my son at Lahr-Well Academy is one of the best decisions I have ever made."
"Our six year-old daughter has been attending Lahr-Well Academy for a little over a year and she really enjoys the school atmosphere and curriculum. The school has fostered a caring environment where she is not artificially limited by her age, background or the educational level of her peers. She has significantly advanced in her academics having received individualized attention in reading and mathematics, which has allowed her to test well beyond her age grade. Lahr-Well Academy provides the children with a rich experience beyond anything offered in the local schools."
"Matthew is returning next year without hesitation. Our family needs Lahr-Well. Since Matthew started school here his confidence level has dramatically increased and his anxiety level has decreased. I believe he is learning the way he was always intended to."

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Please consider helping sponsor a deserving child's annual tuition by funding a partial, annual scholarship for a student for $30/mo through the Academy's Pay Pal Button.
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