Campus Hours
The school is opened from 7:30 AM – 3:15 PM on days when school is in session. However, to ensure our students’ safety, the main door will be locked after 8:00 AM. Anyone desiring entrance after 8:00 AM will ring the office for admittance (by a staff member) and may be required to show ID upon entrance.
Students are rarely permitted to enter their classrooms or walk through the building without a staff member present. Therefore, students shall remain in the Multi-Purpose Room until their core teacher has called them, as a group, to their classroom.
Anyone needing access to the school outside of these hours should make individual arrangements with School Staff.
Campus Visits
To ensure our students’ safety and keep class disruptions to a minimum, all visitors, including parents, are required to sign in at the office prior to entering other portions of the building. Anyone desiring entrance after 8:00 AM will ring the office for admittance (by a staff member) and may be required to show ID upon entrance. Visitors must also sign-out before exiting the building.
If a student is to be absent from school, a parent or guardian is responsible for calling the school by 9:00 AM and notifying office personnel of the absence.
A one-day absence may be considered excused, upon verification from a parent or guardian. However, if a student misses more than one day of school in a regular school week or more than three (3) days in any quarter, a medical doctor’s written note will be required in order for continued absence(s) to be excused. Required homework is expected to be completed as soon as possible after an absence, with due dates assigned by the student’s core teacher.
Each unexcused absence requires a 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM Saturday morning detention, accompanied by a $25 fee per occurrence, regardless of attendance. Failure to attend Saturday morning detention will be considered an additional unexcused absence and will carry an additional penalty of ineligibility for the next class/field trip. On the fourth unexcused absence, all quarter grades will be lowered one letter value (Level IV students only). Additionally, all quarter grades will be lowered one letter value for each additional unexcused absence after the fourth unexcused absence.
No work may be submitted for an unexcused absence. All grades issued on days of unexcused absences will be zeroes. (See Discipline Procedures.)
Students who arrive late for class will serve time missed plus a 5-minute penalty during their physical education time. (If a student is 3 minutes late, he or she will receive an 8-minute penalty from physical education.) Students arriving late must check-in at the office in order to be admitted to class. Students shall receive a tardy slip which must then be signed by a parent or guardian and returned the following day.
Three tardies shall equal one unexcused absence. Each unexcused absence requires a 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM Saturday morning detention, accompanied by a $25 fee per occurrence, regardless of attendance. Failure to attend Saturday morning detention will be considered an additional unexcused absence and will carry an additional penalty of ineligibility for the next class/field trip. On the fourth unexcused absence, all quarter grades will be lowered one letter value (Level IV students only). Additionally, all quarter grades will be lowered one letter value for each additional unexcused absence after the fourth unexcused absence.
No work may be submitted for an unexcused absence. All grades issued on days of unexcused absences will be zeroes. (See Discipline Procedures.)
Chronic tardiness is the equivalent of truancy and will be treated as such.
Student Drop Off / Pickup
For the safety of our students, we maintain a one-way, south-to-north traffic flow in the parking lot.
Morning Drop-Off: Please enter the parking lot on the south side, from W Fourth St. Travel north toward the main entrance, stopping in front of main entrance. Please ensure that students in your care have safely entered the building before leaving the parking lot. Exit by continuing to drive north, turning right onto H St.
Afternoon Pick-Up: Please enter the parking lot on the south side, from W Fourth St. Form two lines of traffic in the parking lot. Parents may park cars (on the east or west sides of the parking lot) and wait outside main entrance, if desired. Students will be dismissed to waiting parents. Traffic will be dismissed by school staff when students and parents have returned to cars.
Parents should provide a list of people who have permission to pick up their child(ren) from school. ID verification may be required of anyone picking up a student and should be expected if staff is unfamiliar with the person picking up a student. Students should be familiar with the person picking them up and should be able to introduce that person to staff.
Levels I and II pickup is scheduled for 2:30-2:45 PM. Charges of $5 per minute, per child, may be incurred for late pickup.
Severe Weather / Emergency Procedures
In the event that school needs to be cancelled (for the day) due to severe weather conditions, Lahr-Well Academy will make a decision to close no later than 5:00 AM on the date in question. Severe-weather closings will be emailed to parents, and will be broadcast on most local television stations … as Edwardsville District 7 weather closings. (Be certain to check your Academy email…for a differentiation in weather/temperature closings.)
We shall make every effort not to cancel once school is in session for the day; however, in rare circumstances where it would seem to be in students’ best interest to be dismissed early due to severe weather or other circumstances beyond our control, parents will be notified by email.
Lahr-Well Academy maintains additional severe-weather and emergency practices. The school will monitor severe weather during school. Students will go to designated “safe” areas during tornado warnings and will NOT be dismissed during a tornado warning. Should a tornado warning be in effect at the end of a school day, we request, also for parents’ safety, that pickup be postponed until the warning has been cancelled.
Fire and Tornado drills will be practiced at least twice during each school year. Evacuation plans are posted in hallways.
Required Medical Exams
Medical examinations, including vision and dental examinations, and proper immunizations are required of all pupils entering kindergarten or first, fifth, and ninth grades unless religious practices prohibit immunizations. Such reasoning must be documented by parents in writing.
School Etiquette
Students are expected to treat other students and staff with the same respect with which they would expect to be treated. Students should speak respectfully and when asked…as opposed to speaking out of turn or insubordinately.
Students are expected to treat our school with the same respect they would treat their homes. Anyone caught littering or defacing (including graffiti, doodling, and other forms of disfiguration) school property or the property of anyone else, will be responsible for the damage and will be compelled to repair such damage and/or pay for its replacement. (See Discipline Procedures.)
Prohibited behavior includes, but may not be limited to:
- No touching or physical displays of affection
- Bullying
- No forced bodily noises
- No gum-chewing
Use of electronics is not permitted on campus. No cell phones, iPods, iPads, laptops or other electronic devices are permitted unless expressly requested by staff. Electronics will be collected and returned, daily, by each core instructor.
Dress Code
Uniforms are required 5 days a week. Standard uniform requirements are:
- Uniform shirts MUST be ordered through the Academy.
- Navy or black uniform shorts or slacks
- Navy or black belt
- Navy or black trouser socks with pants; white, navy or black socks with shorts (above the ankle)
- Solid black closed shoes (no other colors on shoes)
- Navy or black uniform sweater or uniform sweatshirt (purchased from the school), as weather permits
- Hair cut and combed neatly and above the collar, and not obscuring any portion of the face
- Clean-shaven with no facial hair
- Uniform shirts MUST be ordered through the Academy.
- Navy or black uniform shorts, skirt, jumper or slacks
- Navy or black belt
- White, navy or black socks (above the ankle) with shorts, skirt, jumper or slacks; white, navy or black knee socks or tights with skirt or jumper
- Solid black closed shoes (no other colors on shoes)
- Navy or black uniform sweater or uniform sweatshirt (purchased from the school), as weather permits
- Hair cut and combed neatly and not obscuring any portion of the face
Additionally, students may wear a watch. Girls may wear non-distracting hair accessories and non-dangling earrings. Additional jewelry should be kept to a minimum. Any accessories found to be distracting will be removed.
Clothing must be UNIFORM-style. Shirts, pants, shorts, skirts, etc., that meet color requirements but are non UNIFORM-styles are not acceptable. Shorts, skirts and jumpers must reach at least to mid-thigh for all students. Young students may wear knit shorts under their uniforms as long as those shorts are not visible. Colored undergarments or layered clothing, visible under uniforms, are not acceptable!
Students are not permitted to wear non-uniform clothing on campus. With the exception of the correction of uniform violations, students are not permitted to change clothes on campus, either before or after school. Students should arrive and leave in their uniforms.
The following items will not be allowed. Any items confiscated will be returned only to a parent or guardian:
- Tattooing, body-piercing, or other body-marking
- Distracting hairstyles
- Hats, “do-rags”
- Sunglasses
- Distracting jewelry or accessories of any kind
- Non-uniform sweatshirts or hoodies
- Sagging slacks, skirts or shorts that expose any portion of an undergarment
- Any other item as determined by School Staff
Field Trip Uniforms
For field trips only, students will wear orange t-shirts with the Lahr-Well Academy logo, to be purchased from the school, instead of their white shirts; and tennis shoes with laced or Velcro closures, instead of their regular uniform shoes. Shoes with holes for laces must have laces. Slip-on (tennis) shoes are not acceptable.
Dress Code Violations
Parents will be notified if a student violates uniform dress code. The student will either be sent home or wait in the office to obtain proper uniform attire and correct the uniform. Any class time missed due to uniform violations will be considered unexcused. The student will receive a “zero” for any and all assignments given during unexcused absences. (See Discipline Procedures.)
Lunch / Special Events
Lahr-Well Academy does not provide lunch, snacks or drink service. Students are responsible for bringing their own lunches to school, with the exception of the last Friday of each month when pizza is available for purchase. All food should be pre-cut, as knives are not permitted. All necessary dishware, spoons, forks, and napkins should be included with the student’s lunch.
Lunch containers should have the student’s name clearly displayed and should not require additional heating or refrigeration. Personal coolers or hot packs are acceptable.
We encourage students to eat healthy foods and request that soda and sugary snacks be eliminated from lunches. Students who eat and drink high-sugar lunches are frequently sluggish in the afternoons! We also encourage parents and students to be thoughtful of the environment when packing lunches and to use reusable or recyclable packaging when possible.
Parents are allowed to share lunch with their children in the cafeteria but should keep visits to once a month. Lunch and physical education time are important socialization times for our students. Lunch visits should be prearranged with the student’s core teacher, and parents must sign-in and sign-out at the office upon arrival and departure.
Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch and are not permitted to order-in lunches.
Students are permitted to share snacks with their classes for birthdays. Arrangements should be made with the student’s core teacher prior to the birthday. Snacks normally will be shared in the student’s core classroom only, not with the entire school. Snacks will generally be shared at the end of the school day.
Class Size & Population
Lahr-Well Academy is organized into four levels, with typical populations as follows:
Level I
PreK-1st Grade
Maximum 10 Students
Ages 4-7
Level II
2nd-5th Grade
Maximum 15 Students
Ages 7-10
Level III
6th-8th Grade
Maximum 15 Students
Ages 10-13
Level IV
9th-12th Grade
Maximum 15 Students
Ages 13-18
Levels I & II, and Levels III & IV may be combined if the total of both classes, combined, is 15 or fewer students. Should these classes be combined, students will have distinguishing class expectations and activities.
Report Cards & Grades
Report cards are issued for Level IV students at the end of each quarter.
High school-aged students are required to maintain a
3.5 GPA per semester, based on a 5.0 scale.
Failure to maintain a 3.5 GPA per semester can constitute grounds for expulsion.
The scale will be as follows:
- A – 5 points
- B – 4 points
- C – 3 points
- D – 2 points
- F – 0 points
Homework / Parent Signatures
All students are expected to complete their homework on a daily basis.
Each student will have a folder which he or she uses to carry his or her work.
Pages that have been completed and are ready for parent signature shall be stapled and placed on the left side of the folder. Parents should review and sign this package of papers every night. These packages must be returned the next day. Pages/packages returned without parent signature will continue to be sent home until they are signed by a parent. Completed, graded, signed pages/packages will then be placed in the student’s completion file to be sent home (permanently) at the end of the quarter.
Homework pages will be placed on the right side of the folder. Students are expected to complete their homework, on a daily basis, to the best of their ability (with or without parental assistance). Students who do not submit completed homework will have to stay in at lunch and physical education time to finish their homework. Repeated offenses will warrant $25.00 Saturday morning detentions. (See Discipline Procedures.)
Class Life / Expectations
Each student will receive, as a supplement to this handbook, a list of expectations in his or her class. Students and parents are required to follow these guidelines and to sign a covenant to adhere to the rules established by Lahr-Well Academy … to the best of their ability.
Graduation / Advancement
All Academy students must study world history, American History, world geography, earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering, art through world history, music appreciation through world history, five foreign languages (Chinese / French / German / Italian / Spanish … on a three-year rotation), macro & micro economics, composition, and computer-programming. Additionally, a tailored curriculum is built for every student (gifted, average, learning-disabled) that includes math (algebra, geometry, calculus or pre-trigonometry), math word problems, English, map skills, and critical thinking. Those students in the upper grades are also required to study world literary masterpieces and world philosophy.
Students entering high school level, or transferring into Lahr-Well Academy as a home-schooled student, or from another private, parochial, or traditional high school, enter into a unique situation. Lahr-Well Academy does not graduate students on the number of high school credits earned from another system. The Academy graduates students on their performance at the Academy, a solid GPA, as well as good results on their standardized tests, as well as the nationally-standardized IOWA Basic, ACT and SAT. On occasion students graduate early from the Academy. This happens for students who, as exceptional achievers, maintain their Academy requirements while also earning an A or B in math or science (on-campus) at a college or university. (These classes must be taken at a time other than Academy instructional hours.)
Standardized Testing
Nationally-standardized tests will be administered during the first week of each school year and at the end of the fall semester.
Additionally, the IOWA Basic, ACT & SAT will be administered during the fourth quarter.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Teachers and Parents are in daily communication via homework folders; however, Parent-Teacher conference weeks will be held at the end of the first and third quarters. These weeks will be listed on the school calendar. Schedules will be available by mid-quarter for sign-up. Conferences will be attended, minimally, by the student’s parent(s), and the core teacher.
Additional parent/teacher conferences may be requested by a parent, teacher, or staff member at any time during the school year.
Student Discipline Procedures
The following is a list of infractions, followed by their definitions and disciplinary actions. We shall attempt to use examples of any of the listed behaviors as teaching moments. Our goal is not to penalize, but rather to encourage good behavior, work habits and moral values.
The act of fraudulently obtaining information on school examinations or assignments from other students or other sources
Class Disruption
The repeated involvement in behavior which disrupts the educational process
Written apology, parent notification, loss of privilege
Written apology, parent notification, in-school suspension
Written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Coercion or “Bullying”
The act of forcing another person to act or think in a given manner by pressure, threats, or intimidation
*See additional note below
Written apology, parent notification, loss of privilege
Written apology, parent notification, in-school suspension
Written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Destruction of Property
The act of willful destruction or defacement of property belonging to others
Restitution, written apology, parent notification
Restitution, written apology, parent notification, loss of privelege
Restitution, written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Disorderly Conduct
Conduct which is not in the best interests of the school environment
Written apology, parent notification, loss of privilege
Written apology, parent notification, in-school suspension
Written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
The insulting or name-calling (verbal or written) of any member of the school staff or student body
Written apology, parent notification, loss of privilege
Written apology, parent notification, in-school suspension
Written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Failure to Work / Failure to Submit Work
The repeated failure or refusal to submit work or participate in classroom activities
Parent notification, loss of privilege
Parent notification, in-school suspension
Parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
The act of involving hostile body contact in or on school property or at any school-sponsored event
Written apology, parent notification, loss of privilege, possible suspension or expulsion
Written apology, parent notification, in-school suspension, possible suspension or expulsion
Written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
The act of falsely using, in writing the name of another person, or falsifying grades or any other data on school forms
Grade of zero on assignment, parent notification, in-school suspension to complete assignment
Grade of zero on assignment, parent notification, letter grade drop in course
Course failure for quarter, parent notification, possible suspension or expulsion
Repetitive behavior, intended to disturb or upset
Written apology, parent notification, loss of privilege
Written apology, parent notification, in-school suspension
Written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Improper Dress
Refer to “Dress Code”
Uniform correction, parent notification, unexcused absence until correction has occurred
Suspension or expulsion
The willful failure to respond to and/or complete a reasonable request by authorized school personnel
Written apology, parent notification, loss of privilege
Written apology, parent notification, in-school suspension
Written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Obscenity / Profanity
The act of using or displaying obscene or profane language in verbal or written form, or in pictures, caricatures, or obscene gestures
Written apology, parent notification, loss of privilege
Written apology, parent notification, in-school suspension
Written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Possessing Weapons
The act of possessing, using or threatening to use, on school property or at any school-sponsored event, any weapon or instrument capable of inflicting bodily harm…Weapons include firearms, ammunition, knives, or any item which may be used as a weapon.
Parent notification, notification of law enforcement, suspension or expulsion
Substance Abuse
The possession, use, distribution, purchase, being under the influence of, or sale of any alcoholic beverage, controlled substance, look-alike drug, drug paraphernalia, or any illicit drug without a medical prescription
Parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Suspected Substance Abuse
The suspicion of the use of any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance, due to irregular student behavior
Parent meeting, mandatory drug test
The act of taking or acquiring the property of others without their consent.
Restitution, written apology, parent notification
Restitution, written apology, parent notification, loss of privilege
Restitution, written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
The use of tobacco products by students (or the carrying of such products) during the school day in school buildings, on school property, or at any school-sponsored event
Parent notification, loss of privilege
Parent meeting, in-school suspension
Parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Truancy … or Frequent Tardiness
The act or habit of staying away from school without permission
Parent notification … all rules of unexcused absence apply
Parent meeting, all rules of absence apply
Parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Verbal Abuse
The act of verbally, or by gesture, threatening the well-being, health, or safety of any person at school
Written apology, parent notification, loss of privilege
Written apology, parent notification, in-school suspension
Written apology, parent meeting, possible suspension or expulsion
Loss of Privilege – Loss of physical education time, removal from classroom activities, ineligibility for field trip participation, or other loss of privilege as agreed between core teacher and authorized directing staff member.
In-School Suspension – Removal from class and requirement to work in the office for duration of in-school suspension. Grades issued in classroom during in-school suspension may be zeroes, depending on infraction.
Suspension – Removal from school for 1-10 days, as decided by an authorized directing staff member and the board of directors.
Expulsion – Removal from school for the remainder of the semester or permanently, as decided by an authorized directing staff member and the board of directors.
* Additional Note for Bullying:
Under 105 ILCS 5/27- 23.7, all public school districts, non-sectarian nonpublic schools, and charter schools in Illinois are required to develop and implement policies concerning bullying prevention. The policies are required to be updated every two (2) years and filed with the Illinois State Board of Education—including each revision. Additionally, state statute specifically requires certain content and components to be included in a bullying policy, which is outlined in this document.
A. Bullying” includes “cyber-bullying” and means any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a student or students that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following: (1) placing the student or students in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s or students’ person or property; (2) causing a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s or students’ physical or mental health; (3) substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ academic performance; or (4) substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.
1) Bullying, as defined in 105 ILCS 5/27- 23.7, may take various forms, including without limitation one or more of the following: harassment, threats, intimidation, stalking, physical violence, sexual harassment, sexual violence, theft, public humiliation, destruction of property, or retaliation for asserting or alleging an act of bullying. This list is meant to be illustrative and non- exhaustive.
2) Cyberbullying, as defined in 105 ILCS 5/27- 23.7, is bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, including without limitation any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic system, photoelectronic system, or photo-optical system, including without limitation electronic mail, Internet communications, instant messages, or facsimile communications. “Cyberbullying” includes the creation of a webpage or weblog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person or the knowing impersonation of another person as the author of posted content or messages if the creation or impersonation creates any of the effects enumerated in the definition of bullying in this Section. “Cyberbullying” also includes the distribution by electronic means of a communication to more than one person or the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons if the distribution or posting creates any of the effects enumerated in the definition of bullying in [105 ILCS 5/27- 23.7(b)].
i. Prohibition on Cyberbullying. Bullying is prohibited through the transmission of information from a computer that is accessed at a nonschool-related location, activity, function, or program or from the use of technology or an electronic device that is not owned, leased, or used by a school district or school if the bullying causes a substantial disruption to the educational process or orderly operation of a school. This item applies only in cases in which a school administrator or teacher receives a report that bullying through this means has occurred and does not require a district or school to staff or monitor any nonschool-related activity, function, or program.
ii. The Process to Determine if an Incident is Within the Scope of the Policy. 105 ILCS 5/27- 23.7 also requires that a district’s bullying policy or implementing procedure shall include a process to investigate whether a reported act of bullying is within the permissible scope of the district’s or school’s jurisdiction. Also, shall require that the district or school provide the victim with information regarding services that are available within the district and community; such as counseling, support services, and other programs.
Content Requirements for Bullying Policies
Under 105 ILCS 5/27- 23.7, each public school district, charter school, and non- sectarian nonpublic school must formally adopt a policy on bullying that includes at least all of the following components and criteria:
A. Defines “bullying,” including “cyberbullying,” as any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a student or students that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:
1) Placing the student or students in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s or students’ person or property;
2) Causing a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s or students’ physical or mental health;
3) Substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ academic performance; or
4) Substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.
B. States that bullying may take various forms, including without limitation one or more of the following: harassment, threats, intimidation, stalking, physical violence, sexual harassment, sexual violence, theft, public humiliation, destruction of property, or retaliation for asserting or alleging an act of bullying. This list is meant to be illustrative and non-exhaustive.
C. Includes a statement that bullying is contrary to State law and the policy of the school district.
D. Includes procedures for promptly reporting bullying, including but not limited to, identifying and providing the school e-mail address (if applicable) and school telephone number for the staff person or persons responsible for receiving such reports and a procedure for anonymous reporting.
E. Consistent with federal and state laws and rules governing student privacy rights includes procedures or promptly informing parents or guardians of all students involved in the alleged incident of bullying and discussing, as appropriate, the availability of social work services, counseling, school psychological services, other interventions, and restorative measures.
F. Contains procedures for promptly investigating and addressing reports of bullying, including the following:
1. Making all reasonable efforts to complete the investigation within ten (10) school days after the date the report of the incident of bullying was received and taking into consideration additional relevant information received during the investigation about the reported incident of bullying.
2) Involving appropriate school support personnel and other staff persons with knowledge, experience, and training on bullying prevention, as deemed appropriate, in the investigation process.
3) Notifying the principal or school administrator or his or her designee of the report of the incident of bullying as soon as possible after the report is received.
4) Consistent with Federal and State laws and rules governing student privacy rights and providing parents/guardians of the students who are parties to the investigation information about the investigation and an opportunity to meet with the school administrator or designee to discuss the investigation, the findings of the investigation, and the actions taken to address the reported incident of bullying.
G. Includes the interventions that can be taken to address bullying, which may include, but are not limited to, school social work services, restorative measures, social-emotional skill building, counseling, school psychological services, and community-based services.
H. Includes a statement prohibiting reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an act of bullying and the consequences and appropriate remedial actions for a person who engages in reprisal or retaliation.
I. Includes consequences and appropriate remedial actions for a person found to have falsely accused another of bullying as a means of retaliation or as a means of bullying.
J. Contains a policy evaluation process to assess the outcomes and effectiveness of the policy that includes, but is not limited to, factors such as:
1) The frequency of victimization.
2) Student, staff, and family observations of safety at a school.
3) Identification of areas of a school where bullying occurs.
4) The types of bullying that are common or occurring.
5) Bystander intervention or participation.
6) The information developed as part of the evaluation process must be posted on the district website. If the internet website is not available, the information must be provided to school administrators, school board members, school personnel, parents, guardians, and students.
K. The bullying policy aligns with the other policies of the school board.
L. The policy or implementing procedure shall include a process to investigate whether a reported act of bullying is within the permissible scope of the district’s or school’s jurisdiction. Furthermore, it shall require that the district or school provide the victim with information regarding services that are available within the district and community, such as counseling, support services, and other programs.
Development, Notification, and Posting
Each policy on bullying adopted by must:
1. Be based on engagement with a range of school stakeholders, including students and parents or guardians.
2. Where applicable, be posted where other policies, rules, or standards of conduct are posted in the school.
3. Be posted on the district or school website.
4. Be included in the school handbook.
5. Be distributed annually to parents, guardians, students, and school personnel, including new employees when hired
My Promise to You:
"If your child isn't gifted on the first day of school, she or he will be on graduation day."
Learn Well

Learning well prepares your child to investigate a lifetime of new adventures. To learn well is more than only studying what your child is interested in studying.
In order to be a well-rounded person, one needs to be educated in foreign languages, as well as science, technology, engineering art and mathematics, a S.T.E.a.M. discipline/approach.
Students at the Academy, from the age of 4 through grade 12, study five foreign languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Parents who desire a better life for their child/ren need to embrace a well-rounded/rock-solid education. The Academy's amazing and extraordinary curriculum is a curriculum that parents can trust!
At Lahr-Well Christian Academy, your child will not sit on the edges and observe without participating. Our teachers draw the entire class into discussions and activities.
Lead Well

In order to be well-educated, one also needs to build a core value of positive morals and ethics.
Integrity is key to all.
At Lahr-Well Christian Academy, a student learns to enhance wisdom through discernment.
Leadership is not sitting in an ivory tower. Leadership cannot be "Do as I say, not as I do." Leadership is attempting the "impossible," leading by example.
At Lahr-Well Christian Academy, students are taught to bring their intrinsic value to the table as leaders.
More than simply profess, one should learn to believe that "A good name [earned by honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable than great riches; And favor (to be esteemed) is better than silver and gold."
Proverbs 22:1, Amplified Bible

Founded by Dr. Almeda M. Lahr-Well, the Academy has been in existence since the 1984/1985 academic year. With more than 34 years of research and development in grades pre-K through grade 12, nationally standardized test scores support that after 4-6 years’ instruction, students are generally testing 2-6 years beyond chronological age.
The Curriculum You Can Trust
Lahr-Well Christian Academy is a not-for-profit, private school that has been serving students since 1985 in grades pre-K through grade 12.
Our comprehensive curriculum highlights reading, mathematics, language arts, STEaM studies, five foreign languages, computer instruction, music appreciation, social sciences, literary masterpieces, hands-on art & art history and philosophy.
Typically after 4 to 6 years of instruction, our students' test scores are at a level 2 to 6 years beyond their chronological age.
To our knowledge, there is no program equal to this in the U.S.
View the full curriculum here.
What Other Parents Are Saying...
"Dr. Lahr-Well and her approach to education is extremely refreshing! I was very concerned with my son not enjoying school or learning at all. He has made a complete turn-around since attending Lahr-Well Academy. He enjoys going to school every day. Not only does he not mind going to school he has developed a desire to learn beyond what is taught in the classroom.
Enrolling my son at Lahr-Well Academy is one of the best decisions I have ever made."
"Our six year-old daughter has been attending Lahr-Well Academy for a little over a year and she really enjoys the school atmosphere and curriculum. The school has fostered a caring environment where she is not artificially limited by her age, background or the educational level of her peers. She has significantly advanced in her academics having received individualized attention in reading and mathematics, which has allowed her to test well beyond her age grade. Lahr-Well Academy provides the children with a rich experience beyond anything offered in the local schools."
"Matthew is returning next year without hesitation. Our family needs Lahr-Well. Since Matthew started school here his confidence level has dramatically increased and his anxiety level has decreased. I believe he is learning the way he was always intended to."

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Please consider helping sponsor a deserving child's annual tuition by funding a partial, annual scholarship for a student for $30/mo through the Academy's Pay Pal Button.
© 1985-2020 All Rights Reserved | Dr. Almeda M. Lahr-Well | creative by BLOCKPLANEDESIGNS